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Overview and History of the BCSD Success Plan - BCSD's Continuous Improvement Plan

The 2016-17 Strategic Planning Committee consisted of constituents from all segments of the school community, including high school students, staff, administrators, Board members, parent organization leaders and participants, community leaders and officials, and others who came together to engage in a comprehensive Strategic Planning Process for BCSD.

The Strategic Planning Committee functioned under the direction of the Board of Education, along with the Committee facilitator, Dr. Christopher Manno, Superintendent of Schools.

The overarching purposes of strategic planning are to:

  • Uncover shared values
  • Recommit to a refreshed Mission, or purpose, for why we exist as an educational institution
  • Clarify a Vision for what achievement of that Mission would look like
  • Identify critical issues that must be addressed through near-term and long-term objectives
  • Identify BIG Goals and objectives under each of those goal areas that will help BCSD continually move toward the realization of that long-range Vision

The Committee engaged in various protocols to develop the key components of the BCSD Success Plan 2021.

The following are important artifacts that will help community members understand the tenets of BCSD's Strategic Plan - Our BCSD Success Plan.

BCSD's Success Plan consists of Objectives under four BIG Goals areas. These are:

  1. Improve Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment, and Programs
  2. Improve Climate and Safety
  3. Improve Community Engagement, Communications, and Transparency
  4. Improve Fiscal, Human Resources, and Operational Oversight and Management

In each of these FOUR BIG Goal areas, BCSD has identified objectives that need to be met to make progress on the Goals. Some of the objectives area short-term. Some area mid-term; and, some are long-term objectives. 

Each objective has been assigned an Objective Team with a Team Leader. The Objective Teams meet monthly, or more often, to plan and shepherd forward the work. Each team consists of representative stakeholders from buildings and departments from across BCSD. We can consider them "Steering Teams." They identify the work to be done, when, and how. They spread out across the District and communicate the work, lead it, and then they come back to the "Steering Teams" to communicate progress and the team determines progress and next steps. 

This is a "Distributed Leadership" model of systematic and incremental improvement. Many of the action plans are multi-year action plans. The overarching Success Plan 2021 is intended to be a five-plus year roadmap. 

The action plans are updated throughout the school year and progress is evaluated regularly. Each year, a Strategic Convocation is conducted to identify progress and next steps, and a culminating report is prepared to communicate progress. 

Committee Products

Final Report from Strategic Planning 2016-17 (June 2017)


The Board of Education and administration would like to thank the members of the BCSD Strategic Planning Committee 2016-17 for their time, effort, commitment and contributions to this important work.  Members included:

  • Wendy Branche
  • Jessica Cambarari
  • William Canavan
  • Guy Carlen
  • Dr. Joseph Damore
  • Sal DiCarlo
  • Christina Dochtermann
  • Jaeger Dochtermann
  • Daniele Doctor
  • Catherine Egan Butkiewicz
  • Amy Ferguson
  • David Griff
  • Caitlin Hall
  • Stephanie Harney
  • Theresa Herrero
  • Isabella Jordan
  • Loria Davie
  • Grayce Romeo
  • Laurel Rossi
  • Marie Scanlan
  • Donna Schwartz
  • Jennifer Tully
  • Amy Unger
  • Melinda Velez
  • Jill Wollman
  • Colette Dow