2025 Budget Vote and Trustee Election
The community will be asked to vote on Tuesday, May 20, 2025 on the annual budget, any other propositions, and the election of FOUR (4) Board members, THREE (3) members for 3-year terms (July 1 2025 through June 30, 2028), and ONE (1) member for the 1+ year unexpired term due to a Board member’s resignation, from on or about May 21, 2025 through June 30, 2026.
Important Dates
Deadline to Submit Nominating Petitions: April 21, 2025
Ballot Position Drawing: April 22, 2025 10am Superintendent's Conference Room
Absentee/Early Mail Voting Applications
Do not submit an application before: April 21, 2025
- Must be Received by if mailing ballot: May 13, 2025
- Must be Received by if picking up ballot: May 19, 2025
Deadline to Register to Vote: May 15, 2025
- Voter Registration Information
- Prospective Board Member Information
- Absentee Ballots
- Early Mail Ballots
- Military Ballots
Voter Registration Information
In order to vote in the Bedford Central School District's Annual Budget Vote/Election on Tuesday, May 20, 2025, you must be a registered voter.
To be eligible to vote you must:
- be a citizen of the United States.
- be at least 18 years old by May 20, 2025 (the date of the election).
- be a resident of the school district for at least 30 days prior to May 20, 2025.
- be registered with either the school district's board of registration or with the county board of elections. If you have previously registered to vote, but have not voted in either a school district or general election in the last four years, you must re-register to vote. (You can call the District Clerk to verify your registration status.)
Register to vote:
- To register to vote in all elections, please click here for Westchester County Voter Registration information.
- You may register for school elections in person at the Administration Building with Sandra Speyer, District Clerk, at 632 South Bedford Road Bedford, NY 10506, during the hours of 8:30am-3:30pm up to five (5) days before the vote. The last day to register to vote is Thursday, May 15, 2025.
- You may also register at the elementary school in your attendance zone Monday-Friday 10am-2pm.
- The last day for personal registration is Thursday, May 15, 2025.
Prospective Board Member Information
There are four (4) open trustee seats on the board. Candidacy to run for the School Board must be declared by 5pm on Monday, April 21, 2025. There are four vacancies to be filled: three (3) seats for a full term of three (3) years commencing on July 1, 2025 and expiring on June 30, 2028, and one (1) seat for the 1+ year unexpired term, due to a Board member’s resignation, from on or about May 20, 2025 through June 30, 2026.
All seats are at-large, meaning candidates do not run for specific seats. The four (4) present incumbents are Ms. Gilian Klein, Ms. Blakeley Lowry, Mr. Rob Mazurek (appointed), and Ms. Amal Shady. The three highest vote getters will receive the three-year seats and the fourth highest vote getter will fill the fourth seat for the 1+ year unexpired term currently held by Mr. Mazurek.
Candidate packets are available at the Administration Building on the Fox Lane Campus with the District Clerk, Monday-Friday 8:30am-3:30pm. You may also download and print this information packet. Nominating petitions must be filed with the District Clerk, Sandra Speyer (or her designee), by 5PM on Monday, April 21, 2025 at the Administration Building at 632 South Bedford Road, Bedford, NY 10506.
All candidates must have the following qualifications:
- Must be able to read and write;
- Must be a US Citizen;
- Must be at least 18 years old;
- Must be a qualified voter of the school district;
- Must be a resident of the school district continuously for one year before the election;
- Must not reside in the same household with a family member who is already a member of the school board;
- May not be a current employee of the school district;
- May not simultaneously hold another incompatible public office.
In accordance with Section 2018 of the State Education Law, nominating petitions must state the name and residence address of the candidate and be signed by at least twenty-five (25) qualified district voters or two percent (2%) of the number of voters who voted in the previous annual election of the members of the school board, whichever is greater. In the previous annual election we had a total of 1, 093 voters of which 2% is 22, therefore each candidate will be required to have 25 signatures of qualified district voters. Please ask each signer to also PRINT their name, and the residence address must be listed by location, not mailing address (i.e., 100 Bedford Road, not RR# or Box 123). An RR# or Box will not be acceptable as a candidate’s or signer’s address.
Each petition must be directed to the Clerk of the School District and filed in the Office of the District Clerk in the Administration Building on the Fox Lane Campus between the hours of 8:30am and 3:30pm on any day the office is open, but on or before 5pm Monday, April 21, 2025.
The filing deadline for nomination petitions is 5pm on Monday, April 21, 2025.
Any candidate for election to the Board of Education must file sworn campaign expenditure and contribution statements with the District Clerk (and the Commissioner of Education in the event expenditures and/or contributions exceed $500) in accordance with the provisions of Article 32, Sections 1528 and 1529 of the Education Law. In addition, candidates must report, within 24 hours, any contribution or loan in excess of $1,000 received by the candidate within five days prior to the election.
Filing deadlines for the three (3) statements are:
- Thirty days prior to the election: April 21, 2025 (first statement)
- Five days prior to the election: May 15, 2025 (second statement)
- Twenty days following the election : June 9, 2025 (third statement)
For a Prospective Candidate Packet, please click here (aqui).
Absentee Ballots
Absentee Ballots
To obtain an absentee ballot for the 2025 Budget Vote and Trustee Elections an application must be completed and returned to the District Clerk before a ballot can be provided. Applications cannot be accepted before April 21, 2025.
Absentee ballot applications are available from Sandra Speyer, District Clerk, at the Administration Building on the Fox Lane Campus during regular business hours (8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.) or by downloading the application (aplicación).
Absentee ballot applications should be submitted in original form, with the original signature. Applications must be received by the District Clerk at least seven days before the vote/election (May 13, 2025) if the ballot will be mailed to the voter and by the day before the vote/election (May 19, 2025) if the ballot will be personally picked up by the voter or the voter’s agent. A ballot may not be given to anyone other than the voter or the person authorized by the voter to pick up the ballot on their behalf.
Once the application has been completed and returned to the District Clerk (in its original form), a ballot will be mailed to the address specified on the application. It is anticipated that the Board will approve the budget at their Wednesday, April 23, 2025 meeting. Ballots will be mailed out to applicants after this date. All applicants will be verified as a registered voter by the District Clerk before a ballot can be mailed or hand delivered to the voter or an authorized representative of the voter.
Absentee Ballots can be:
mailed to:
Sandra Speyer, District Clerk
P.O. Box 180
Mount Kisco, NY 10549
personally delivered to:
Sandra Speyer, District Clerk
Fox Lane Campus
Administration Building
632 South Bedford Road, Bedford, NY 10506.
Absentee/Early Mail ballots must be received by the District Clerk no later than 5pm on Tuesday, May 20, 2025 to be counted in the vote.
Early Mail Ballots
Early Mail Ballots
Early mail ballot applications are available from Sandra Speyer, District Clerk, at the Administration Building on the Fox Lane Campus during regular business hours (8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.) or by downloading the application (aplicación).
Early mail ballot applications should be submitted in original form, with the original signature. Applications must be received by the District Clerk at least seven days before the vote/election (May 13, 2025) if the ballot will be mailed to the voter and by the day before the vote/election (May 19, 2025) if the ballot will be personally picked up by the voter or the voter’s agent. A ballot may not be given to anyone other than the voter or the person authorized by the voter to pick up the ballot on their behalf.
Once the application has been completed and returned to the District Clerk (in its original form), a ballot will be mailed to the address specified on the application. It is anticipated that the Board will approve the budget at their Wednesday, April 23, 2025 meeting. Ballots will be mailed out to applicants after this date. All applicants will be verified as a registered voter by the District Clerk before a ballot can be mailed or hand delivered to the voter or an authorized representative of the voter.
Early Mail Voter Ballots can be:
mailed to:
Sandra Speyer, District Clerk
P.O. Box 180
Mount Kisco, NY 10549
personally delivered to:
Sandra Speyer, District Clerk
Fox Lane Campus
Administration Building
632 South Bedford Road, Bedford, NY 10506.
Absentee/Early Mail ballots must be received by the District Clerk no later than 5pm on Tuesday, May 20, 2025 to be counted in the vote.
Military Ballots
Military Ballots
Military ballot applications are available by contacting the District Clerk at 914-241-6011 or by email: sspeyer3549@bcsdny.org.
You may download an application here (aquí).
Military ballot applications must be received by the District Clerk no later than 5:00 P.M. on April 24, 2025.