BCSD Budget 2019-20
The Bedford Central School District 2019-budget has been in development since early in the fall. Here you will find a detailed timeline of the development process. Our overarching budget development mission is to design a fiscally responsible budget that meets the educational needs of our students, meets the operational and fiscal needs of our school district and community, and promotes accountability and transparency.
We are pleased to present the Bedford Central School District 2019-20 adopted budget, which will be put before the voters on May 21, 2019. This budget supports the continuation of our work to achieve the goals and objectives of our BCSD SUCCESS Plan. Our budget is a tool to ultimately nurture and support achievement for our students.
The Principles which guided the development of this 2019-20 BCSD budget are:
- Work to maintain and enhance programs for students and invest in professional development.
- Comply with elementary class size policy guidelines given current enrollment projections.
- Limit projected expenses and maximize potential revenue and stay within the legislative property tax levy cap.
- Comply with state and/or federally mandated programs with minimal additional costs.
BCSD continues to expand programs and services for students and is engaging in several important instructional, administrative, and operational initiatives. As we enter the third year of our 5-year SUCCESS Plan, this budget represents Staying the Course by following through on critical initiatives and continuing to pursue the tenets of our strategic plan.
A few highlights include:
- several new and exciting high school courses, textbooks, and materials.
- continued support for the implementation of a new elementary literacy program.
- expansion of elementary classroom libraries to promote reading and effective literacy instruction.
- continued support to implement inclusive instructional practices and programs.
- implementation of a Dual Language Bilingual Education "Choice" program.
- continued support to implement District and school technology initiatives, including a one-to-one computing initiative for all FLMS and FLHS students. As of 2019-20, every MS and HS student will have a mobile computing device to support teaching and learning.
- new elementary screening assessments to ensure appropriate and consistent elementary academic intervention to support instructional programs for students across BCSD.
- resources to improve District communications with the community, including, a new District App, a District survey, and a new facilities reservation system.
- improved security equipment and capital work to improve emergency management response
Over the past year, the District has worked with a demographer to conduct a study which includes an enrollment projection component, a building space and capacity analysis, and a program/school configuration component. The 2019-20 budget includes resources to support broad community stakeholder awareness, outreach and engagement to cull input and feedback on various alternatives to manage enrollment and space in BCSD. This process expected to result in Board of Education approval in the Spring of 2020 of a plan to most efficiently and effectively utilize our facilities to provide the best educational program.
In summary, this budget continues our efforts to provide outstanding educational programs for students, as well as sustaining BCSD's fiscal health. The budget supports continued efforts to improve programs and services for students, honors BCSD’s guidelines for elementary class sizes, is within the allowable NY State Property Tax Cap, limits spending to anticipated revenue growth, meets State and Federal mandates,, and plans for the effective management of reserve funds to be maintained at acceptable levels.
Thank you for your continued support of our students and District.
Important 2019-20 Budget Documents and Links
2019-20 BCSD Public Adopted Budget Presentation
March 20, 2019, Budget Update Presentation
Understanding Equalization Rates and Local Assessments, NYS Department of Taxation and Finance Office of Real Property Tax Services
Understanding Property Values and Equalization Rates: How they affect school tax apportionment and tax rates
8 Things to Know About Capital Reserve Funds, NYSBA, 2018
Foundation Aid Analysis 2019-20
March 6, 2019 Superintendent's Budget Presentation Slides