BCSD Budget 2022-2023
March 9 , 2022
Dear BCSD Families and Community Members,
I am pleased to present the Bedford Central School District 2022-23 Proposed Superintendent’s Budget Presentation. While continuing to honor our commitment to “Inspiring and Challenging Our Students,” our budget is a tool to nurture and support equitable opportunities and achievements for all.
Last year, as I presented the 2021-2022 proposed Superintendent's Budget, I opened with the recognition that the 2020-2021 school year was an “unprecedented year.” When we think of the last three years, since our closure of schools in response to the pandemic in March 2020, we have come a very long way. I offer you this Superintendent’s Budget, my last budget as the BCSD Superintendent of Schools, with pride in all that we have accomplished in the return of all of our students, full-time, in-person, together. While the impact of the time we have lost due to the pandemic will continue to drive our programming and instructional models for a number of years, I propose that we are in a solid position, that our students and staff have accomplished and demonstrated significant achievement, and that the budget for 2022-2023, while still addressing the social, emotional and academic needs of students, is one that is both proactive and progressive. This budget presents a blueprint for the Bedford Central School district that is one of forward visioning with the pandemic optimistically in our rearview mirror.
The principles which guided the development of this 2022-2023 BCSD budget are:
- Enhance programs for students, explore new and innovative programs and initiatives, expand analysis of student achievement data, and continue our investment in professional development.
- Maintain favorable class sizes and ensure expenditures that have direct impact on student experience, voice and equitable opportunities.
- Align the 2022-23 budget with prior years’ actual expenditures, including pre-pandemic school years.
- Limit projected expenses and maximize potential revenue to stay within the legislative property tax levy cap.
- Comply with state and/or federally mandated programs with minimal additional costs.
- Continue to maximize operational efficiencies.
In the most recent fiscal stress monitoring from the New York State Comptroller, the BSCD for the fiscal year ending 2021 received “no designation” which means that we are deemed to be in solid fiscal health. Having been designated as in “fiscal stress” only a few years back, the district has been able to rebuild our reserves and bring our fund balance to healthy levels for several years now. Last year, our district received significant pandemic relief in the form of grants, which allowed us to reduce class sizes and provide the most personalized education for our students. You will notice in this budget that we are recommending that once again we utilize grants and allocate resources for favorable class sizes that will continue to support our commitment to providing SEL supports and academic interventions within our classrooms. I am proud that our district is a model for all others in our commitment to inclusive practices and this budget once again supports this commitment. You will also see in this budget a recommendation for a district level administrator to lead the district, our staff and our students into the future with a commitment to STEAM, K-12. Next year, we are transitioning to a new program in elementary mathematics which will require the purchase of a new program that is aligned to the latest standards, as well as professional development and coaching for our faculty. Student membership is reflected in experiences in the classroom, as well as outside of the classroom after school. This budget represents the addition of a number of new athletic teams from modified to varsity, as well as funding for additional after-school clubs. Our changing demographics requires increased outreach to all parents; therefore, we are asking for an additional community aide to support our non-English speaking parent community.
In summary, this budget continues our efforts to provide outstanding educational programs for students, as well as continuing BCSD on our path to sustained fiscal health.
We remain committed to our BCSD Mission: The Bedford Central School District shall cultivate curiosity and a passion for learning by providing challenging educational opportunities for all students so they may achieve their full potential as productive and contributing members of society.
Thank you for your continued support of our BCSD students.
Respectfully Submitted,
Dr. Joel Adelberg, Superintendent of Schools