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BCSD Budget 2023-2024

Budget Vote & Board Elections

Tuesday, May 16, 2023 | 7 AM – 9 PM

at your local elementary school

Voter Registration Information


April 15, 2023

Dear BCSD Community,

I am pleased to report that our Board of Education on Wednesday evening approved the proposed 2023-24 Budget. Our budget process began before January and, since that time, we have engaged in consistent, transparent, data-informed discussions from the Board table. Next will follow a series of public forums and dissemination of key information, culminating with a districtwide budget vote on May 16.

While we are certainly grappling with some significant challenges within the proposed budget, this plan nonetheless delivers a sustainable pathway toward opportunity and excellence. Here are just a few deliverables realized through our value-focused process:

  • Stays within the 2% tax cap limit 

  • Manages a responsible and necessary phase out of federal COVID funding

  • Provides outstanding average class sizes:

    • Elementary: 18

    • FLMS 6th grade: 19; 7th Grade: 18; 8th Grade: 25

    • FLHS core academic courses: 20

  • Sustains Mission, Success Plan and programs

  • Bolsters safety and security 

  • Maintains student choice and opportunity

  • Commits to sustained realignment and rightsizing

Whether you have been watching this process for months or are a relative newcomer, school budgeting is complex and it can be hard to achieve a full understanding. Therefore, I invite you to explore this page, where we will continue adding important information. For a recommended overview featuring contextualized data, please click here.

Thank you for your engagement during this important time. Together we will emerge from this process stronger than ever to realize great things ahead!

With gratitude for your partnership,

Dr. Rob Glass, Superintendent


Please join us for Budget Town Hall Q&A Forums!

Meetings will be held throughout the district as well as virtually. Community members are welcome to come to as many of the meetings as they are able.
  • April 27: Bedford Hills Elementary School at 6 pm via Zoom
  • April 28: 11 am via Zoom
  • May 1: Mount Kisco Elementary School PTA meeting at 7 pm
  • May 2: en español at 11 am via Zoom
  • May 2: Pound Ridge Elementary School PTA meeting at 6 pm
  • May 4: Fox Lane Middle School PTA meeting at 9:30 am
  • May 5: Bedford Village Elementary School PTA meeting at 9:30 am
  • May 8: West Patent Elementary School PTA meeting at 7 pm via  Zoom
Please ask any questions you have about the 2023-2024 Budget here. The administration will make every attempt at answering these in one of their many Budget Town Hall Q&A forums.