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BCSD Budget 2024-2025

Budget Vote & Board Elections

Tuesday, May 21, 2024 | 7 am - 9 pm
at the elementary school in your attendance area

Dear BCSD Community,

I am pleased to report that our Board of Education on Wednesday evening approved the proposed 2024-25 School Budget. We are successfully continuing our pathway toward long-term budget sustainability through right-sizing and strategic use of fund reserves. Our transparent, data-informed budget process began early and has included eight budget presentations followed by three deliberation sessions held during Board of Education meetings. Next will follow a series of public forums and dissemination of key information, culminating with a districtwide budget vote on May 21.

Our proposed 2024-25 budget delivers a sustainable pathway toward opportunity and excellence. Here are just a few deliverables realized through our value-focused process:

  • Stays within the 2% tax cap limit 

  • Concludes a responsibly managed phase-out of federal COVID funding

  • Maintains outstanding average class sizes

  • Sustains Mission, Success Plan and programs, including our focus on Literacy and the Science of Reading

  • Maintains student choice and opportunity

  • Commits to sustained realignment and right-sizing

Whether you have been watching this process for months or are a relative newcomer, school budgeting is complex and it can be hard to achieve a full understanding. Therefore, I invite you to explore this page, where we will continue adding important information. 

Thank you for your engagement during this important time. By continuing to work together we will realize great things ahead!

With gratitude for your partnership,

Dr. Rob Glass, Superintendent

The community will be asked to vote on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, on the annual budget, any propositions, and TWO (2) open seats for the Board of Education. For more on Prospective Board of Education Trustee information please use the link here (aquí).

In order to vote in the Bedford Central School District's Annual Budget Vote/Election on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, you must be a registered voter. Click here for voter registration information.