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Jen Garry, Communications Specialist / (914) 241-6062

Dear BCSD Community,

Clear, concise communication is vital to creating a strong link between the district and our community. Through our website, social media, newsletter and more, we strive to keep all members in our community well informed on important news, day-to-day happenings and the amazing things our students are doing.

The best ways to stay connected:

a graphic of a cell phone with speech bubbles for email, text and written communication
  • Check in on our website regularly 
  • Download the ParentSquare app to be sure you don't miss any important messages. It's free for iOS or Android and delivers important district and school news directly to your device (no worrying about it getting lost in inboxes!)
  • Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and/or X for daily updates
  • We send out e-newsletters multiple times a month. If you are a staff member or have a student in the district, you are automatically signed up for them. If you are a community member, you can sign up here
  • Budget newsletters are mailed to the whole community each May

A look at what our students are up to...

    Click below for our latest e-newsletter

    the header to the Foxes Update e-newsletter