Manage your notifications
You can choose how often you receive notifications for general announcements. Select Digest, Instant, or turn off notifications altogether (excluding emergency alerts and notices) for email, text, and app notifications. You can do this by clicking “My Account” and then “Notification Settings” (see how here in English and here in Spanish)
Off: no notifications about posts will be sent to you. Emergency Alerts and Notices will still be sent. School Alerts will still be sent if turned on.
Instant: you'll receive email, text and/or app notification every time a notice or message is sent.
Digest: you'll receive email, text and/or app notification once a day in the evening with all non-time-sensitive posts from that day.
Please note that no matter which notification option you choose, urgent notifications will override your settings and be sent immediately.
View all notifications from the last 12 weeks
Within the app, you can view notifications across each school you have students in by tapping the bell icon in the upper right.
Change your language settings
On the website, click “My Account,” then “Language Settings.” Select your preferred language from the drop-down menu and click save. To change the application menus to Spanish, click “Español” in the top menu bar.
In the app, start at the home screen. Click the triple bars in the upper right. Next, select “Account” then “Preferences” then “Language.” Select your preferred language and you will receive all messages in that language.
Search for previous messages
Use a keyword (ie “concert”) in the search bar on both the app and web page to find old messages.
You can access the district calendar and the calendar of each school you have students enrolled in without having to subscribe or customize which calendars you’d like to view. This feature is automatic.
Quickly find contact information
On the website: under “Explore” in the sidebar, click “Directory.”
In the app: click “More” at the bottom of the home page and then click “School Directory.”