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Elementary Math

Bridges in Mathematics is a comprehensive PK-5 curriculum that equips teachers to fully address state standards in a rigorous, engaging and accessible manner. Students gain a deep understanding of concepts, proficiency with key skills, and the ability to solve complex problems. The curriculum is composed of three distinct but integrated components: Problems & Investigations, Work Places and Number Corner. In the 2022-23 school year, all 5 elementary schools will begin a 2-year phase-in process to transition our math curriculum to Bridges in Mathematics, with all K-5 grades fully implementing the Bridges units and Number Corner in the 2023-24 school year.



Bridges in Mathematics website:

Bridges in Mathematics Resources for Families:

The Bridges Family Support webpage provides resources for families of students in classrooms currently using Bridges 2nd Edition. The site provides guidance, support and suggestions for participating in your child's mathematical learning: 

An Overview of Bridges in Mathematics for Families: ENGLISH and SPANISH

Bridges in Mathematics Family Support - How To Sheet

Grades 3-5 Bridges in Mathematics Parent Sessions - Fall 2023

Helping Your Child With Today's Math from National PTA: ENGLISH and SPANISH

Math at Home Activities by the Math Learning Center

Grades K-5 Mathematics Committee Process and Feedback:

Math Update - Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment BOE Subcommittee Meeting Presentation
Presentation given to CIA Board subcommittee on February 7, 2022 outlining the Math committee process

How were decisions made?

In 2019, a math committee was convened to evaluate our current math curriculum and instructional practices. While the COVID-19 pandemic interrupted the completion of this review process, the findings suggested a need to examine the core mathematics curriculum at the elementary level to ensure alignment with new K-12 Next Generation Learning standards and to consider reexamination of the current Math in Focus curriculum. Full implementation of the Next Gen Learning standards is expected in 2022-2023. 

A new math committee was convened in Fall 2021. The goals of this committee included:

  • Examine results of district K-12 mathematics curriculum review (completed in April 2020)

  • Unpack New York State Next Generation Learning Standards in Mathematics 

  • Examine classroom practices to ensure strong alignment to standards and values

  • Articulate core criteria to guide the examination and selection of mathematics resources

The math committee closely examined 7 different math resources and narrowed down the search to 2 resources for further review. The math committee visited neighboring districts using those materials and piloted the materials in our classrooms. At the end of this year-long process, the committee was surveyed to make a recommendation for adoption. The results showed 100% of the committee recommended Bridges to Mathematics.

Feedback from teachers on the committee who piloted the materials:

“Overall, it [Bridges] is the most engaging and seems to be the program that will help our students develop into effective mathematical thinkers.”

“It provides real world problem solving opportunities and promotes high order thinking.”

“This program is much more hands-on and develops critical thinking skills in a new way.”

“I would recommend this resource for many reasons. It is highly engaging and the way the lessons progress will allow for engagement, critical thinking, and academic achievement for our 21st century learners. It is clear that Bridges meets all of our criteria. Another reason for Bridges is because of the Spanish component and intervention program. The Number Corner aspect is unique and will be a great addition to our math classrooms. Overall, Bridges would add rigor, excitement and engagement to our schools and classrooms.”