Inclusive Practices
The Bedford Central School District has been working with consultants from Inclusive Schooling to support our inclusive practices across all classrooms.
Defining Inclusion
In principle, Inclusive Education means:
…the valuing of diversity within the human community. When inclusive education is fully embraced, we abandon the idea that children have to become “normal” in order to contribute to the world…We begin to look beyond typical ways of becoming valued members of the community, and in doing so, begin to realize the achievable goal of providing all children with an authentic sense of belonging (pp. 38-39).
**Kunc, N. (1992). The need to belong. Rediscovering Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.
Learning, Equity and Access
- We continue to implement a robust AVID elective program in grades 7-12 in Bedford Central School District. The Advancement through Individual Determination (AVID) program targets capable but under-performing students and supports them with skills, strategies and supports to access the highest levels of coursework and begins the college planning process early. Each grade level AVID cohort works closely with dedicated advisors, faculty, and staff to develop the necessary skills to be college-ready.
- Our District has been implementing Response to Intervention (RTI) since 2008. We continue to refine and deepen our understanding of individual student learners and the RTI process in order to best support every child within our classrooms. RTI teams at each building review student data regularly to ensure students are meeting grade level benchmarks. RTI teams analyze formal and informal assessment data in order to develop targeted interventions when necessary, and monitor student progress. Our District is in the process of broadening this framework to Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS), which includes proactive measures to support students academically, behaviorally, socially, and emotionally.
- In partnership with the Special Education Department, the Bedford Central School District has been on a journey of continual improvement to ensure we are implementing inclusive practices throughout our classroom settings. We continue to embed Universal Design for Learning (UDL) into the ways we plan and adapt instruction to provide equitable access points for all learners.
Dual Language Bilingual Education Program (DLBE)
We continue to implement a dual language bilingual education program (DLBE) at Mount Kisco Elementary School. This two-way language program engages students enrolled to learn in English and Spanish in each of their core academic subjects with the goals of high academic achievement, biliteracy, and biculturalism. To learn more about our DLBE program, please visit our ESOL/DLBE webpage.