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Learning Standards of New York State

This page is dedicated to providing important links, information, and resources related to the implementation of the New York State Next Generation Learning Standards and P-12 Learning Standards.

Learning Standards of New York State

A Parent's Guide to the NYS Next Generation Learning Standards


Curriculum & Assessment Roadmap and Implementation Timeline:

Next Generation Learning Standards Roadmap and Implementation Timeline

"The Board of Regents adopted the newly revised English Language Arts and Mathematics Learning Standards on September 11, 2017. The new standards have been the result of over two years of collaborative work to ensure New York State has the best learning standards for our students. Over 130 educators and parents worked together to make recommendations and revise the standards, resulting in a new set of revised English Language Arts and Mathematics Learning Standards." - NYS Education Department

English Language Arts:

Next Generation English Language Arts Learning Standards


Next Generation Mathematics Learning Standards

Comparison of Common Core vs. Next Generation Learning Standards

The reference documents linked below provide educators and parents with an overview of the changes made between the 2011 NYS P-12 Common Core Standards and the 2017 Next Generation Standards. The Grade-Level Crosswalk is the full text of both standards providing the reader with a side-by-side comparison of the two sets of standards. The Grade-Level Snapshot provides a condensed one-page summary that lists standards added, changed, or additional clarifications or modifications.

English Language Arts Crosswalks & Snapshots

Mathematics Crosswalk & Snapshots


NYS P-12 Science Learning Standards, adopted 2016

Social Studies:

NYS Social Studies Learning Standards

Social Studies K-12 Framework

Civic Readiness Initiative

Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards:

Computer Science and Digital Fluency Learning Standards