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Professional Development

Teachers in the Bedford Central School District have ample opportunities to develop their professional knowledge and hone their craft.  In addition to the use of outside experts, in-service courses, Superintendent Conference Days, and required training sessions, principals, teachers, and department coordinators work to create a climate that encourages and builds professional learning communities.  The district also provides all new staff with mentoring, orientation and a 4-year induction program.  Bedford is also unique in that it is one of the few districts with its own center for teaching and learning - the Bedford Staff Development Center.

Here is a link to our full Professional Learning Plan, approved by the Board of Education on June 14, 2023:
Professional Development Plan v2023

This is a link to our mentoring and induction handbook for new teachers to BCSD: 
New Teacher Induction Program & Mentoring Handbook

BCSD-Manhattanville Professional Development Schools Program

Bedford Central School District is a proud partner to Manhattanville College through its Professional Development Schools Program. The purpose of the Professional Development School (PDS) relationships is to provide mutually agreed-upon professional development for the faculty of the partner school sites, and Manhattanville College to improve instructional practice and enhance student learning. This PDS also serves as a site for pre-student teaching field experiences, student/supervised teaching and internships. The PDS partners (school sites, BCSD, and Manhattanville) share responsibility for professional development and blend their expertise and resources to meet mutually agreed-upon goals.  

The Fox Lane Middle School, and all 5 elementary schools (Bedford Hills Elementary School, Bedford Village Elementary School, Mount Kisco Elementary School, Pound Ridge Elementary School and West Patent Elementary School all serve as PDS partners in the Bedford Central School District. Each partnership results in the formation of a BCSD-Manhattanville PDS steering committee that meets to identify specific PDS projects that are mutually beneficial (e.g., pursuit and implementation of grants, outreach initiatives, or the offering of college courses onsite). A PDS liaison, employed by Manhattanville, is available onsite to coordinate all initiatives between the school sites and the school of education of Manhattanville.