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Buildings and Grounds

For the safety of our students, unless given prior authorization, all fields and facilities are closed during school hours and during all afterschool activities. Any groups or teams must have prior authorization to use fields and grounds at any time. Shirts and proper attire must be worn at all times

Please click here to read all documents relating to the Storm Water Management Plan on Fox Lane Campus.

Please click here to access forms for using our facilities. 

Please see the contact information below for the Buildings and Grounds Staff:

Director of Facilities:                           TBD

Secretary to Director of Facilites:      Lisa Cocomello 914-241-6177

Grounds Foreman:                               Michael Cutri  914-417-1516

Maintenance Foreman:                       Matt Azzollini  914-241-6544

*Should you have an issue concerning a particular building, please contact the head custodian in that location first.