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Athletic Placement Process (FLMS Students Playing Up)

Athletic Placement Process (FLMS Students Playing Up)

Athletic Placement Process (APP) for Participation in Athletics as a 7th and/or 8th Grader

The State Education Department of New York permits 7th and 8th grade students the opportunity to participate in certain senior high school athletic teams.  Any 7th or 8th grade student wishing to try-out for a team must first complete and successfully pass the Athletic Placement Process.  The APP is not to be used to fill positions in teams, provide additional experience, provide an opportunity for middle school or junior high students when no modified program is offered, or to reward a student. Instead, it is aimed at the few, select students who can benefit from such placement because of their level of readiness.

Athletic Placement Process  (APP) Procedure

Below is a description of the process by which 7th or 8th graders can become eligible to take part in a Fox Lane High School team.  This process is meant for the rare athlete that has both the physical and emotional tools to play with older athletes.  This process is a state requirement, including the physical fitness test component.  


Step 1: Parent or student athlete contacts Varsity Head Coach regarding a student’s interest in playing up no later than two months prior to the start of the season. The coach will then submit the student’s name to the Athletic Director via email with the school nurse CC’d on the email.


Step 2: Parent of the athlete registers their child on Final Forms during the open registration period.  The Athletic Department must be contacted and manually add your child to the HS sport.  Please note that registering an athlete does not mean they have passed the Advanced Placement Process and have made the team.


Step 3: The Varsity Head Coach performs a skill assessment of the interested athlete.  The varsity coach has the authority after the skill evaluation to deem the athlete unprepared for high school level athletics. The evaluation is returned to the AD’s office.  


Step 4: District Medical Director meets with students recommended to approve physical maturity level for sport desired according to the Tanner Scale. The MS Health Office will coordinate the questions and process with the District Medical Director.


Step 5: The coach contacts the FLMS assistant principals to verify that the student is in good standing both academically and behaviorally.  The coach will then contact the student’s physical education teacher of record to verify that the student is in good standing.  Poor academic achievement or behavior issues will be prohibitive factors from a student continuing with the APP.


Step 6: The NYSPHAA Physical Fitness test comprised of five components is administered by a Certified BCSD physical education teacher.  Students must pass 4 out the 5 components in order to move on in the process. The timed mile portion of the test will only be administered on the track at FLHS.  Students may be granted ONE re-test for any portion that they fail. APP Exam dates for the Spring 2025 season will be held on February 26th an 27th, 2025.  Athletes that have been recommended by a coach are eligible to participate in the exam.  Coach Tomassi will contact families and students via email with more information regarding timing, location and preparation. Questions or concerns on testing components can be directed to Mike Tomassi or Adam Lodewick,


Step 7: The Athletic Director, Mr. Adam Lodewick,  will notify the Head Varsity Coach about whether the student has passed the Advanced Placement Process.  The coach will then contact the family.  


 Learn About the Components of the Fitness Test (starting on page 24 of this link)