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Modified Athletic Sport Offerings & Intramurals


Fox Lane Middle School Sport Offerings

Modified Sports (Interscholastic): The Modified Sports Program will enable middle school teams to compete on an interscholastic level. Unlike intramurals, these are competitive teams and will require a process for students to be cleared in order to participate. Only 7th and 8th grade students are eligible to play a modified sport.


The Modified Sports Season for Fall 2024 will begin on September 9, 2024.

A Modified Meeting will be held afterschool in the Fox Lane Middle School Large Gym at 2:45pm on September 5, 2024. The Athletic Director and the Modified coaches will be in attendance to answer any questions you may have. 



The Modified Sports Season for Winter 2024-2025 will begin December 9, 2024.

A Modified Meeting will be held afterschool in the Fox Lane Middle School Large Gym at 2:45pm on December 4, 2024. The Athletic Director and the Modified Coaches will be in attendance to answer any questions you may have.



The Modified Sports Season for Spring 2025 will begin on March 31, 2025.

A Modified Meeting will be held afterschool in the Fox Lane Middle School Large Gym at 2:45pm on March 25th. The Athletic Director and the Modified Coaches will be in attendance to answer any questions you may have.

Cross Country/ Boys and Girls


Field Hockey













Track & Field/Boys and Girls


Intramural Sports: Open to all 6th graders and any 7th & 8th graders who are not playing a modified sport that season.

Students meet in the gym, sign in, and then play

Upon ending, students report to the cafe where adult dismissal supervision is present.  They can take the afterschool bus home or be picked up. 

Fall Intramurals will begin on TBD  and run through TBD with Coach Peterson.

Winter Intramurals will run TBD through TBD with Coach Racanelli.

Spring Intramurals will run  TBD through TBD with Coach Peterson.

If you are interested in signing up your child for modified sports, please do the following:

We are currently using an online sports registration process to make sign-up easier for our BCSD families.  For now, please follow the steps below:

1)  Complete the online sports registration process through Final Forms.     

2) To participate in sports, a yearly physical is required.  They are offered at school by our school doctor, or you can have a private physical. 

3)  If your child has a physical from a private physician, the below health form must be completed by that physician and given to the school nurse or uploaded to Family ID.


4) Athletes must meet NYS Guidelines (number of practices) before they can compete in a scrimmage or game.

For more information, please go to