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Home Schooled Students

Pursuant to Chapter 217 of the Laws of 2008, which was signed into law by the Governor on July 7, 2008, students with disabilities who are in home instruction programs pursuant to Section 100.10 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education are eligible to receive special education services from their public school district.

If the parents are seeking special education services from their public school district, a written request for these services must be submitted to the public school district no later than June 1 before the school year in which the services are to be provided.

The school district determines when and where these services are to be provided.

Homeschooling Policy

PNW BOCES Regional Home School Handbook

NYS Education Department

Grades 9-12 - Sample IHIP/Quarterly Report Templates

Grades 7-8 - Sample IHIP/Quarterly Report Templates

Grades 1-6 - Sample IHIP/Quarterly Report Templates