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Our Vision for Educating All Students

Welcome to the Special Education Section of the Bedford Central School District website.

The Bedford Central School District is committed to providing programs and services to meet the individual of students identified by the CSE or CPSE.   We are committed to providing services in the least restrictive environment,  in an inclusive manner,  and in a supportive, nurturing and appropriate environment.  We celebrate our students' unique differences and offer a continuum of programs and services that will help our students continue their quest to be lifelong learners.

Our goal is to foster growth and independence in the academic, social and emotional domains for students with disabilities; to continue to provide inclusive services and supports which enable students with disabilities to be educated within the least restrictive environment; to promote a positive self-image; to encourage social interactions and mutual understanding between disabled and non-disabled students; and to work cooperatively with the staff of BOCES and private schools, which serve students placed by the BCSD CSE and CPSE.

The Bedford Central School District provides a broad range of accommodations, modifications, remedial services, related services and/or special education to meet the needs of all students. Some students may require only support services while others require daily specialized instruction, special classes, or even special schools. Special education is the means by which an individualized program is designed to meet the unique needs of students with disabilities. Responsibility for special education rests with the Committee on Preschool Special Education, for children ages 3 to 5 years, and the Committee on Special Education, serving school age students, ages 5 to 21. 

Our programs and services are designed to afford our students with disabilities the opportunity to avail themselves of the rich academic and extra-curricular opportunities available within our district to the fullest extent possible. The district is committed to educating as many students as possible within our school district and has designed an array of options towards that end. 

Self-evaluation and refinement is a guiding principle of the program, as well as the development of “state-of-the-art” programming. The Bedford Central School District is committed to providing exemplary services to all students with disabilities and works diligently with staff, parent/guardian and students to achieve this goal. 

At least once annually, the Committee on Special Education (CSE) and the Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) schedule meetings to determine the appropriateness of a student's program and to determine the need for continued classified support. The parent/guardian is an integral member of the Committee in planning for the student's needs. The goal for each special education student is to maximize his/her opportunities for participating in the regular education program to the appropriate extent possible