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Bus Safety Rules / Discipline Procedures

Per the New York State Education Department riding the school bus is a privilege, not a right. A student's bus privileges may be suspended for inappropriate behavior, violation of safety rules or to insure the health and safety of other students, motorists and the general public.

Bus Safety Rules

Inappropriate behavior or misconduct on the school bus creates a serious safety hazard by distracting the driver. To maximize safety for all passengers and other motorists, please encourage your student(s) to behave on the bus as they would in school.

Please discuss the following bus safety rules with your student(s):
1.   The bus driver is in charge of the bus. Always follow the driver's instructions.
2.   Arrive at your bus stop five (5) minutes before your scheduled pick-up time.
3.   Wait for your bus at your assigned stop in a safe place away from the road. Respect the property around your stop.
4.   If your student needs to cross the street, the driver will use the New York State Universal Crossing Signal to safely assist your student to/from the bus. If you are not familiar with the Universal Crossing Signal ask the bus driver or contact the Transportation Department. Students must always cross in front of the bus. Always cross ten (10) feet in front of the bus. Walk while crossing the road, do not run.
5.   Do not push on or near the bus. Do not run to or from the bus.
6.   Students are encouraged to wear seatbelts.
7.   Always remain seated while riding the school bus. Students are not permitted to stand or change seats.
8.   Do not yell or make loud noises. 
9.   Eating or drinking is not permitted on the school bus.
10. Do not put any part of your body (arms, hands, etc.) out the bus window.
11. Never throw anything out the bus window.

12. The use of cellular phones or other electronic devices to take pictures or record videos is prohibited.

Please instruct your student(s) to be alert to other vehicles as they get on and off the bus. Though they may follow all safety rules, the actions of other motorists in the area of a stopped school bus can cause a hazard. Your student(s) awareness of traffic may help avoid a potentially dangerous situation. 
Discipline Procedures 

In the event of a violation of a bus safety rule or a behavioral concern, a Bus Conduct Report is filed with the student's school by the bus driver. Bus conduct reports are investigated and administered by a school administrator with the assistance of the bus company and Transportation Department. 

All busses used in transportation service for the District are equipped with video recording systems. Video footage may be used by a building administrator in the investigation of a reported behavioral issue or bus incident. Per the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), parents are not permitted to view bus videos.