FLHS / FLMS 2:20 PM Dismissal
FLMS Students Picked-up By a Parent/Guardian
To address safety concerns observed over the past several years, the District recently concluded a safety study of the traffic patterns at the 2:20 PM dismissal at the Fox Lane Campus. As a result of this study, the following dismissal procedures were put in place:
- Fox Lane Campus dismissal begins at approximately 2:20 PM and ends by 2:40 PM. During this time period, there will be minimal car movement on campus in order for busses to board and leave school in a timely manner, and to ensure that the traffic circle between Fox Lane Middle School (FLMS) and the District Administration Building (DAB) remains clear at all times for emergency vehicles.
- Parent parking is not permitted in the FLMS West parking lot or the DAB parking lot to pick-up students at dismissal. These lots will be coned off from 1:45 PM until dismissal ends at approximately 2:40 PM.
- You may arrive early at FLMS and wait in the parking lot for dismissal. Once the FLMS parking lot is at capacity the lot will be closed, typically by 2:00 PM. Anyone who arrives after the lot is closed will have to wait in line before the traffic circle.
- If you come to campus from the Fox Lane High School (FLHS) back (north) entrance, be aware that car traffic will also be stopped at the south entrance of FLHS at approximately 2:25 PM to allow for busses to depart campus.
- As a result of these changes, please know that if you pick-up your child from FLMS and are unable to find a spot in the FLMS parking lot prior to the lot being closed, there is a strong possibility you may be waiting up to 20 minutes before you can leave campus once dismissal begins at 2:20 PM.
Bus Dismissal
Bus routes names for Fox Lane Middle School and Fox Lane High School consist of a combination of letters and numbers. Busses beginning with the letter "M" (i.e. M18) transport only FLMS students; busses beginning with the letter "H" (i.e. H1) transport only FLHS students; busses beginning with the letters HM (i.e. HM 32) transport both FLMS and FLHS students.
Fox Lane High School - dismissal occurs in 1 wave and consists of "H" busses and "HM" busses. All "H" busses are released and exit campus. "HM" busses proceed to the middle school to load students before leaving campus.
Please click on the links below for bus dismissal line-up diagrams for FLHS and FLMS. Busses will not be in the exact order shown but will be in their assigned lanes.