Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Is my student eligible to ride a school bus?
A. In accordance with the policy of the Bedford Central School District Board of Education, transportation is provided to all resident public school students living more than one-half mile from the school they attend. The distance between the student's home address and the school of attendance is measured by Transfinder, the computerized bus routing program used by the District.
Please visit the Non-Public School Transportation page page for important additional information about distance eligibility for non-public schools.
Q. What is the minimum age requirement for transportation?
A. Students must be five (5) years of age prior to December 1 of the current school year to be eligible for bus transportation.
A. Bus schedule information can be obtained in the following ways:
- Letters providing bus schedule information are mailed to all students in the first two weeks of August prior to the start of the school year. Address changes or alternate stop requests received after August 1 may not be reflected in the information letter. If the information in your student's letter is incorrect, please contact the school or the Transportation Department.
- Bus schedule information can also be obtained directly from the school or the Transportation Department.
Q. What if I would like my student(s) picked-up or dropped-off at a location other than my home address (daycare, sitter, after school program, etc.)?
A. If you would like transportation for your student(s) from/to a location other than your home address, an Alternate Stop/Daycare Transportation request form must be submitted to either the school or the Transportation Department.
- If a child care provider is licensed through the Westchester County Department of Social Services, transportation will be provided for students from ALL elementary schools to that child care provider. This is referred to as INTER-Attendance zone child care transportation.
- If a child care provider is not licensed through the Westchester County Department of Social Services, transportation will ONLY be provided if the child care provider is located within the student's elementary school attendance zone. This is referred to as INTRA-Attendance zone child care transportation.
Please visit the Alternate Stop/Daycare Transportation page for additional important information.
Q. When should my student(s) be at the bus stop in the morning?
A. It is recommended that all students arrive at their designated bus stop five (5) minutes prior to their scheduled pick-up time. All students should be at their bus stop prior to the bus arriving at the stop. Students should not be waiting indoors as this effects the schedule and timeliness of the bus route.
Q. What should I do if the bus is late?
A. In the event the bus is more than ten (10) minutes late, please contact the bus company or the Transportation Department. In the event of a significant delay due to a mechanical breakdown, road closure, etc. parents will be contacted by either the bus company or the school.
Q. How are bus stop locations determined?
A. Bus stops are established according to the policies and guidelines of the District, the New York State Education Department, the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles and the New York State Department of Transportation. Wherever possible, bus stops are located at intersections or centrally located addresses to accommodate the maximum number of students and to insure the safety of students and other motorists.
Please visit the School Bus Routes and Stops page for additional information.
Q. Whom should I contact if I have a question about my student's bus stop?
A. If you have a question about your student's bus stop, you may contact the District Transportation Department, the bus company or the school. While we understand the challenges parents face, the following do not warrant changes being made to a bus stop location: not being able to see the bus stop from your home; elderly or disabled parent, grandparent or daycare provider; daycare provider with other children in the facility; darkness/weather or previous stop location.
Q. Does my student have to be met at the bus stop by a parent/guardian?
A. Per Board of Education policy, all kindergarten students must be met by an adult at their bus stop in the afternoon. Students in grades 1-5 will be released from the bus without an adult to receive them. If you would like to request that a student in grades 1 through 5 not be permitted to exit the bus unless an adult is present, you must submit this request in writing to the Transportation Department.
Please visit the Student Drop-off Authorization page or additional information.
Q. What must I do if my home address changes?
A. In the event of a change in your home address, please contact the District's Central Registrar at (914) 241-6107. Permanent address changes cannot be made by the Transportation Department.
Q. Do busses have attendants/monitors?
A. Attendants/monitors are only provided on busses transporting Special Education students per IEP requirements.
Q. Are there video cameras on busses?
A. All busses used to provide transportation services for the District are equipped with video systems. Per the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), parents are not permitted to view bus videos.
Q. Whom should I contact regarding items lost or left on a bus?
A. In the event a student leaves or loses a personal item on a bus, contact the bus company or the Transportation Department.