Bedford Village Students Clown Around with Diversity Circus
Bedford Village Elementary School celebrated diversity last week with Diversity Circus, an engaging circus-themed character education assembly. Led by Ringmaster Doug and his assistant, Smudgy the Clown, the assembly had students roaring with laughter while learning important lessons.
“We learned to be respectful and fair to other people,” second grader Mia said after the show.
Ringmaster Doug began the show by making sure students understood the meaning of diversity. He called the first of many excited participants up and had him pull ropes out of a big tub. The ropes were two different lengths.
“Are these different or the same?” Ringmaster Doug asked the crowd of students. Students called out answers before he said, “That’s right! They’re different and the same. They’re all ropes, but they’re different sizes.”
Ringmaster Doug and Smudgy showed how this applies to different cultures and traditions too, by having participants come to the front and hold up different flags while wearing hats from that country.
“Can you see how these hats from all around the world are different? Can you see how they’re all the same?” he asked.
“They’re all hats!” called out Adrianna.
Through humor, magic and lots of participation, the assembly encouraged students to be respectful, to avoid assuming things about people before they tell you themselves, to think about others and more. It tied nicely into the school’s character education program, CARE (cooperation, accountability, respect and effort).
“My hope is that students gained an understanding that diversity is a strength, and our differences and similarities are what make us special as individuals and a school community,” said Bedford Village Elementary Principal Kristen Kumar.
The show seemed to be a hit with students.
“My favorite part was everything!” said Chase after the show.
Thank you to BVESA for making the experience possible!