Seeking Applications for BCSD Audit Committee
The Board of Education is seeking applications for appointment to the District’s Audit Committee.
The Audit Committee of the Bedford Central School District was established in accordance with Education Law Section 2116-c. The Audit Committee is a five-member committee comprised of three Board of Education members and two community members. The committee must collectively possess knowledge in accounting, auditing, financial reporting and school district finances. There are specific requirements and responsibilities for committee members. Please refer to the Audit Committee Charter.
Those wishing to be considered should by 5pm on Wednesday, September 18th, fill out this online application, or obtain a paper copy at the District Office from Sandra Speyer, District Clerk between the hours of 8:30am and 3:30pm or through an email request at
The number of individuals responding will likely exceed the opportunities available to serve. The Board of Education will notify all applicants of their status as soon as possible. Those wishing to serve must be school district residents but do not have to have children currently in the public schools.
We thank you in advance for your interest in serving the community and the children of the Bedford Central School District.